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类型:爱情 德国 2017

主演:西尔维娅·侯克斯 法赫里·亚迪姆 托本·利布雷希特 



The break-up is almost complete: Hannah and Julian meet one more time to hand over their apartment, which they hope will be quick and painless. No such luck, though: The hand-over flops and the two arguing exes are stuck together on New Year's Eve, of all days, after not speaking to each other for weeks. They're long overdue at their friends' party, where they wanted to put in one final appearance together. Seven years ago, Hannah and Julian met while looking for an apartment and became reluctant roommates. She's a career-oriented law student, he's a photographer who lives for the moment. She's always got everything planned out, he never does. The two roommates became an odd but loving couple. While Julian compromises professionally, Hannah climbs the career ladder. Then they started to grow apart and spend their time with other people. At the very low point of their relationship, an unsolved conflict from the past suddenly resurfaces and calles everything into doubt.如果您喜欢00影视(www.000)分享的《无所畏惧》,别忘了推荐给你的好友!


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