
类型:记录,纪录 其它 2004

主演:萨尔瓦多·吉列尔莫·阿连德·戈森斯 伊莎贝尔·阿连德 帕特里西奥·盖兹 



  On September 11th 1973, Salvador Allende's democratically elected government was ousted by a United States-backed coup that resulted in Allende's death, and left the country in the hands of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship for 17 years. It's time to remember Salvador Allende, that unsual man - for historical reasons, certainly, but also for the cruelty surrounding his memory.如果您喜欢星速影视(www.shuhedoors.com)分享的《萨尔瓦多·阿连德》,别忘了推荐给你的好友!

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